Haha, I got sick too (although I´m peachy now), so I guess we still get sick as a family.
They actually figure more than anything that it was probably a mild case of
dengue. That´s more cool to think about than anything else, now that it´s
all over. Solid stools and warm showers are always nice, when I can get
them. More motivation to get up early and take my vitamins every day.
I traveled solo because we had to take care of some visa paperwork. I came
down to Colima initially with another greenie, but he´s now in Guadalajara
because he had a diabetic episode and they need to keep him close to the
hospitals. Everything worked out fine, but yes it seemed a bit odd rule
wise. I was in Guadalajara for less than 24 hours before returning, just
long enough to sign and fingerprint some stuff.
I´m glad there´s some missionary progress over there, we need more converts in the states. The church in general is pretty big in Mexico, but our zone and our mission has been dropping lately. I´ll have to see what I can do about that ;)
We had our first baptism thursday, actually. His name´s Christopher and he
pretty much found the church on his own. We´ll see when his mom finally
wants to change her life and follow suit, but now he can baptize her, which
is pretty cool. I didn´t have much to do with teaching him though as his
baptism was planned before I showed up, but it was still good to see. I´ll
send pictures when I can, but this ciber doesn´t have any SD card slots and
I didn´t bring my camera cord.
We have 4 more baptisms planned for the 6th, but there´s still some work to
do first. Transfers are on the 1st as well, so we´ll see what happens
there. Elder Talbot and I purged and rearranged the house anyways though,
so it´ll be nice for whichever of us four is going to stay. My comp has 6
months, so does the DL, and Elder Talbot has 4.5. Then again, anything can
I keep forgetting to mention the ¨magic zone¨ as well. it´s an area on the
way to Suchitlán where, due to magnetism or something of the sort, if you
turn off your car and leave it in neutral, it will roll up the hill rather
than down.
The president and his wife are great people, who work very hard to help the church in this area. They are focusing a lot on obedience. They also have some affinity for scripture memorization of verses related to being a good missionary, and have some very high goals for this year. They seem energetic and excited though, and I´m definitely glad to have a good mission president.
Random thought: if and when you send another package, ties and socks are always nice. Shoes I should probably buy here since I can check the size and awesomeness, etc., but other stuff is always great.
I pray for you all frequently. Let me know what else I can pray for. I got your attachments btw, and I enjoyed reading them.
I still can´t figure out why nobody knows how to sing in this country, by
the way.
Say hi to everyone for me!
Elder Lund
Can't you have like a salad or something?