Hey, a favor.
There is a sister missionary in the zone who doesn´t get very much if any contact from home. I was wondering if the family or the relief society could put something together for her. Anything is fine, just so that she can get some mail. I really think it would cheer her up. You can send it to the same mission address, just under the name Diana Hernandez. She´s from Hidalgo.
So I spent two days of this week in divisions in the ward of Auditorio (there are two companionships there). All of the elders have very little time there. Two are greenies and the other two are going home in February. It was great to work with them and help them out. They are teaching some good families and trying hard, even though they have no other investigators and are spending a lot of time contacting and trying to get references. I got to do a baptismal interview for one of the companionships which baptized this weekend, which was great.
There`s something special about being able to work one on one with missionaries and see their faith and hard work. God really appreciates what they are doing and will bless them greatly, even though they won´t always remember that when they`re frustrated. It`s always worth it. Every smiling face, every changed family, every healed marriage, and every prodigal son is worth the sun and the hunger and the ruder people and everything else.
This Sunday was also regional conference, which we saw by satellite. There were general authorities there like members of the primary and young men`s presidency, but the highlight was Elder Holland. He started his talk in Spanish and although he switched to English with an interpreter, he finished with a testimony in Spanish. You can always feel his love and testimony in his voice. It was good to actually hear him, instead of a translation. Wednesday will be 2 conferences with the area president as a zone leader and as a conference of all Guadalajara missionaries. I`m excited.
Our planned baptism for this weekend fell through because the girl´s (Britany) dad was hospitalized. He has insuficiencia renal, the same as a former investigator I mentioned. He should be released today, but he was doing pretty bad. We went to visit him and gave him a blessing, and the plan is for the baptism to happen this Saturday.
We met another lady who is very frustrated with life and has had a hard time. She also doesn`t trust churches for the bad example the Catholics and Jehovah´s Witnesses have given her (so she says) but she was really interested in the lesson and got a little emotional at the end. Her name is Margarita and she wants her kids to listen too. We´re going back tomorrow.
Well, life is crazy and I gotta run. Glad you´re being pushed in institute, that´s how it´s supposed to be. I´m sure you´re doing awesome and improving a lot. You´ve always been a good teacher. Also let me know whatever other details BYU needs. I suppose they´re restrictive because I´m over 18 (oh snap I´m 20...). Love you lots, keep it up! I`m pushing along trying to make the most of the 9 months I have left.
Elder Lund