Look up the Barranca de Huentitan. That is right on the edge of my area, which is also where the school of architecture of the U of Guadalajara is. Hence, the ward is called Arquitectura. I live near the edge of a giant cliff and my area is the size of about 2 neighborhoods. It`s the smallest or second smallest area in the mission. I like the ambient though, and there are some nice members there. Our chapel is next to the Estadio Jalisco, the big stadium where there are lots of big events and whatnot as well. It´s the oldest church building in the city, and this is one of the oldest stakes.
For thanksgiving, we ended up ordering pizza at the house of some other missionaries (with whom we did divisions). I spent the next day in their area while Elder Juarez brought his companion to Arquitectura. The object is to see how the Elders are doing, to see how the area is, to see if there are problems or anything we can help with. We plan on doing one every week with a different set of Elders. Also, in the divisions I blew the fuse of their house, because apparently you can`t plug in the iron and the water heater at the same time. Oops!
I got the Christmas package, by the way! Thank you so much. I`ve already been hard at work muching away and sharing chocolate with the other missionaries, and am trying to find time to get to the gingerbread houses. I really really love Christmastime, I don`t know if I ever mentioned that. I will be sure to pass along many of the traditions from home to my family whenever it is that I have one. They deserve to have a special time when Christmas rolls around.
Also, there is a lady in the ward who acts like Aunt Laurie. It`s very strange. She helps us out a lot though, and accompanied us to go visit a one-armed less active member who later accompanied us to church on Sunday. He`s pretty cool though. he has just had a lot of problems with his children and family members being very harsh and cruel to him which distanced him from the church for some time. He really wants to come back though so that he can be sealed in the temple to his wife.
On the one hand, zone leader is hard work. We are running around helping out the zone as well as preparing two separate activities that have to be organized and ready within the next week and a half (one a service activity, the other is the big Christmas event the mission will be doing). We`re planning on going to an old folk´s home and a kindergarden for the first activity. Among other things, we were also assigned by the president to make a piñata. I never thought I`d learn how to do that on the mission. It should be really cool though.
So while it is exhausting and busy to be a ZL, I actually feel comfortable with the assignment. My whole life I have been prepared to do things like this, and while I am very conscious of the fact that I know little and have little experience doing this here in the mission, I feel I`ll be able to do things okay. The Lord always knows what he`s doing, and I am being greatly blessed, as well as prepared for the future. And no, I no longer procrastinate so much. There`s no time to procrastinate anymore!
As a side note, there are some HUGE caterpillars here. I`ll try to get pictures later, but they`re seriously bigger than my fingers.
Sounds like you had a fantastic thanksgiving. I hope you really enjoyed it, and don`t forget to always thank God for all he has given us, because we owe him EVERYTHING. There really aren`t words sufficient to describe the enormity of the gratitud we should have for Him.
Take care. I love you all, and will be thinking about you a lot this Christmas. I`ll try to get my own package off if I can, with gifts as well as some things I don`t want to carry around but are valuable. Hopefully I`ll be able to get that off soon. Thank you for your prayers, love, and examples. Keep the faith.
Elder Lund